Is the book available in stores or via other online retailers? If not, why not?

For now, our books are available exclusively via the World Saving Books site. This is partly because we are a small operation and are still setting up our distribution channels. It is also because selling direct-to-consumer allows us to monitor shipping and distribution to fulfil our promise of carbon neutrality.

Distributing via larger online retailers before we have the capability to assess and account for their shipping methods removes our control and compromises our commitment to produce and distribute our books in a way that is not harmful to the environment. Our intention is to expand our distribution network over time, but only in a way that does not compromise our carbon neutrality pledge. This might take a little longer than you’re used to with the ubiquitous “Buy-now-with-one-click-and-have-it-tomorrow!” system that’s currently in place. But if you are as keen to reverse the effects of climate change as we are, we hope you will agree that it’s important we readdress our current modes of consumption and distribution. 

We hope that you are inspired by our efforts to tackle the issue of shipping and distribution in a meaningful way. The responsibility of making sustainable choices is up to us all – consumers and producers - and positive change begins when we examine the status quo and ask if there's a better way. That's what we're doing by expanding our distribution one step at a time. 

If you are a distributor of independent publications and would like to work with us, please get in touch.